21ft Electric Launch, Design #241

With rising demand for boats suitable for electric power comes  the plans for this pretty 21ft launch.  Styling is vintage steamboat, construction double skin fore and aft on bent frames, fully glued.  Nicely done this will be a lovely vessel for an afternoon run on the lake - or simply to have parked in the driveway.  The drawings show the installation of an EP 12 electric motor and four 165AH batteries.  Alternative power plants would be a small steam engine and boiler or an antique gasoline engine.

Double planking on steam bent frames, fully glued.

Length: Overall     21 ft 6n
Length Waterline  16ft 5ins
Beam                    5ft 6ins
Draft                     1ft 3ins
Displacement        1700lbs approx.
Building time         1600 hours
Skill Level              Intermediate

Design #241         5 Sheets

21ft Electric Launch, Design #241
21ft Electric Launch, Design #241 21ft Electric Launch, Design #241 21ft Electric Launch, Design #241